วันจันทร์ที่ 12 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

AutoXray AX7000 Tech Scan Diagnostic Code Scanner with Live, Record and Playback Sensor Data Capability and SD Card Slot for Upgrades

AutoXray AX7000 Tech Scan Diagnostic Code Scanner with Live, Record and Playback Sensor Data Capability and SD Card Slot for Upgrades
Innova Diagnostic Code Reader for OBDII Vehicles AutoXray Tech Scan Diagnostic Scan Tools are designed to read, record and playback the live sensor data displaying the trouble code information and their definitions. They are fabricated from a high quality material that features the trilingual menu of English, Spanish and French offering the SD card slot and allows memory expansion. These tools are equipped with True Bi-Directional capabilities, graphing data, acronym and code library lookup, retaining the most recently scanned vehicle data and configuration. They are enhanced with color-coded cables which have the capacity to enter more than one feature with user programmable hot key. These tools are easy to maintain and are supported by OBDII code command., Brand AutoXrayBackwards-compatible with previous AutoXray software; current AX7000 software can be quickly updated via the InternetA backlit LCD screen that is 50% larger than prev...
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